What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

SERVPRO made a horrible situation, a little more tolerable. When you require a service like this come to your home, you are already feeling the stress of the situation and the potential of displacement and financial commitment, but add the current heat wave and COVID-19 concerns, I was really feeling the pressure. I had a leak from my air conditioning system and it had poured through my kitchen ceiling and the ceiling can lights. As a single mom that just started teaching virtually the day this happened, as well as my kids starting virtual school the same day also, I was at my breaking point. But when Jason Hulette and James Meza arrived the same day to assess the damage, I felt a huge relief. They were professional, organized, and knowledgeable. They needed to complete testing and position drying machinery in my home, but they used plastic and easily removable tape to seal off the area. Michelle, from their main office, called me daily to check on things and to schedule the next appointment around my availability. From the office staff, to the technicians, I felt like I wasn’t in this alone, and for that I appreciate their professionalism, their punctuality, and commitment to seeing the job through to the end. SERVPRO will most definitely have my business again, if I unfortunately need it. On a side note, Jason and James were very kind to my dogs. This made me feel at ease too. Jennie

I have become aware of SERVPRO over the past several years and would suggest them as a solution to all of your restoration needs. In times of need yes, you need a crew that will step in and clean up the mess.